
CS3281&2: Thematic Systems Project I & II

Thenaesh Elango - Weekly Progress

Week 2

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #121 Add unit tests for AddressBook class #105

Week 3

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #60 Convert coding best practices into a markdown document #4

Week 4

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6402 adminHome.js does not URL encode form data before passing it on as GET params #6397
1 D #6467 Instructions for enabling GodMode are outdated #6466

Week 5

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6493 HTML not sanitized in the admin home page #6492

Week 6

Effort| Type | PR | Issue :—-:|:—-:|:———–|:——

Week 7

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6650 Migrate all JS used by index page to strict mode #6648
2 R #6488 Make frontpage responsive #6487
1 R #6538 Create versions of getRequestParamValue and getRequestParamValues where null is not expected #6526
1 R #6569 usermap.jsp is not responsive #6567

Week 8

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6651 Migrate all JS used by admin pages to strict mode #6649
2 D #6714 Migrate all JS used by instructor pages to strict mode #6684
2 R #6617 Add tests for adminHome.js #6616

Week 9

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6728 Migrate all the remaining JS to strict mode #6716
2 D #6788 Update all InstructorFeedbackResults*.js to ES6 #6771
2 R #6790 Update all InstructorCourses*.js to ES6 #6772
2 R #6801 Convert instructorFeedbackEdit*.js and instructorFeedbacks*.js to ES6 #6773
1 R #6794 Reorder syntax validation instructions in setup guide #6722

Week 10

Effort Type PR Issue
1 D #6871 Forbid ‘use strict’ directive in ES6 code #6870
1 R #6852 Update the rest of Instructor*.js to ES6 #6819
1 R #6820 Convert test JS files to ES6 #6811

Week 11

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #6832 Convert all the remaining JS to ES6 #6831
2 R #6968 Enforce no-use-before-define on instructor*.es6 #6964
1 R #6895 Add instructions for building JS files #6875
1 R #6905 Add checklist of things to do when submitting PR in the template #6904

Week 12

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #6967 Enforce no-use-before-define on everything not instructor*.es6 #6965
2 O #226 Dickson & Thenaesh: Compile Suggestions for Improvement for TEAMMATES
2 O #6480 Mentoring of new contributor
1 R #7037 Add polyfill for String.prototype.includes #7036

Week 13

Effort Type PR Issue
4 O N/A 10th SoC STePS
2 D #7035 Remove inline javascript onclicks #6961
2 R #7004 Move all document.ready functions to just one file per page #7002
2 O #6859 Mentoring of new contributor