
CS3281&2: Thematic Systems Project I & II

Tan Min Rong Samson - Weekly Progress

Week 2

Effort Type PR Issue
1 D #6334 Update feedback entry count to 5 million
4 D #6338 Rename html files in InstructorFeedbackResultsPageUiTest

Week 3

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #6358 instructorStudentComment: Give more informative status messages
1 D #6405 Change “Received Responses Statistics” to “Statistics for Received Responses”
1 R #6354 (cont. from #6407, #6357) Move logic.publicresource classes to ui.controller

Week 4

Effort Type PR Issue
1 R #6467 Instructions for enabling GodMode are outdated
1 R #6449 ActivityLogEntry should not have dependency to GateKeeper
1 R #6482 Duplicate “the” in jsp files
1 R #6489 Remove unused parameter in InstructorCoursesDetailsPage.java
4 D #2 Set up bot skeleton code to listen to webhooks from GitHub

Week 5

Effort Type PR Issue
1 R #6497 Duplicate “the” in java files
2 R #6496 Update design.md to reflect on the current application architecture
8 D #3, #6 Set up node.js environment on Heroku and GitHub; Validate PRs using regex specified in config variables; Comment on offending PRs
4 O #6536 Research and set up SonarQube for code quality check, unable to complete due to limitations of GAE

Week 6

Effort| Type | PR | Issue :—-:|:—-:|:———–|:—— 1 | R | #6491 | Refactor getParticipantListFromParams(String) in action classes 1 | R | #6494 | InstructorFeedbackEditPage uses -1 as question number of the new question 1 | R | #6499 | Refactor testDatePickerScripts in instructorFeedbackPageUiTest.java 1 | R | #6521 | CI tests skipped after merge branch 8 | D | #6351 | Create issue templates —

Week 7

Effort| Type | PR | Issue :—-:|:—-:|:———–|:—— 2 | R | #6523 | Refactor StringHelper and Sanitizer class 1 | R | #6544 | Minor error under “Bug reports and feature requests” in contact.jsp 1 | R | #6574 | FeedbackRubricQuestionDetails: Refactor calculateRubricStats 1 | R | #6537 | Remove unused parameter in StudentProfilePage.java 8 | D | #6453 | Separate common.datatransfer package into sub-packages 2 | D | #7 | Add documentation (setting up, etc) —

Week 8

Effort| Type | PR | Issue :—-:|:—-:|:———–|:—— 1 | R | #6581 | Enrolling a new student deletes previous student in the list 1 | R | #6593 | Wrong usage of Inheritance in action classes 1 | R | #6599 | Refactor magic number in InstructorCourseEnrollSaveActionTest 1 | R | #6660 | Remove unused parameter in FeedbackResponseCommentsLogic.java 1 | R | #6662 | Update writeup under “Not for Profit” in index.jsp 1 | R | #6667 | Disallow blank lines containing whitespace 2 | R |#6647 | Enhancement: Make issue templates more readily accessible 4 | D | #9 | Modular construction of response message 4 | D | Updated in Heroku App | Research on and create robust Regex to detect GitHub keywords anywhere in PR description 1 | O | - | Interaction with new contributors 2 | O | - | Maintenance, troubleshooting of teammates-bot and oss-bot-js repository —

Week 9

Effort| Type | PR | Issue :—-:|:—-:|:———–|:—— 1 | R | #6604 | Remove getCourseDetails method from CourseLogic 1 | R | #6709 | Clarify App Engine SDK selection instructions in Development Guidelines 1 | R | #6807 | Change File to Configure in Step 2 of instructions for setting up IntelliJ fixes 1 | R | #6781 | development.md: Timezone needs to be specified in IntelliJ dev server run configuration during testing 1 | R | #6764 | Change Play to Run... in development.md 1 | R | #6763 | Setup guide: mention the Java path should use ‘/’ 1 | R | #6761 | Increase clarity of instructions for configuring checkstyle in IDEA IntelliJ 1 | R | #6633 | Refactor updateStudent in StudentsDb 1 | D | #6800 | Update IntelliJ guides 4 | D | #12 | Feedback should contain suggestions on fixing convention violations in PR body 8 | D | #6578 | Refactor FeedbackSessionsLogic#getFeedbackSessionResultsForUserWithParams 1 | O | - | Interaction with new contributors 2 | O | - | Maintenance, troubleshooting of teammates-bot and oss-bot-js repository —

Week 10

Effort| Type | PR | Issue :—-:|:—-:|:———–|:—— 8 | D | #6592 | Add IntelliJ support for TEAMMATES 2 | D | #6828 | Add staging test configuration for IntelliJ 2 | D | #31 | Implement in-depth check for PR titles 16 | R | #6452, #6480, #6830 | Refactor some duplicated methods in action classes 1 | R | #6809 | Clarify App Engine SDK selection instructions in Development Guidelines 1 | R | #6751 | Remove unnecessary classes in common.datatransfer package 1 | R |#6734 | Setup guide: Change Import existing project to Import project 1 | R | #6718 | Update number of contributors in index.jsp 1 | R | #6708 | Unused @returns documentation tags in datepicker.js 1 | R | #6679 | AboutUs page: make the list numbering continuous 1 | O | - | Interaction with new contributors —

Week 11

Effort| Type | PR | Issue :—-:|:—-:|:———–|:—— 1 | D | #30 | Improve feedback given for non-conforming PR descriptions 1 | R | #6676 | Remove method createAndReturnEntities from EntitiesDb.java 1 | R | #6675 | FeedbackRubricQuestionDetails: Refactor calculateRubricStats 1 | R | #6670 | Issue templates: remove the requirement for issue title prefixes 1 | R | #6663 | Remove unused parameter in InstructorHomeAjaxCoursePageData.java 1 | R | #6637, #6679 | AboutUs page: make the list numbering continuous 1 | R | #6630 | Current static analysis checks don’t flag invalid JSON 1 | R | #6618 | Refactor testDatePickerScripts in instructorFeedbackPageUiTest.java 4 | D | #34 | Hotfix 8 | D | #26 | Refactor Keyword Checker class 1 | O | - | Interaction with new contributors —

Week 12

Effort| Type | PR | Issue :—-:|:—-:|:———–|:—— 1 | R | #6918 | Add one step setting configuration at IntelliJ 1 | R | #6905 | Add checklist of things to do when submitting PR in the template 1 | R | #6894 | Spelling error in testnames program argument for Eclipse staging tests launch configuration 2 | R | #6933 | TEAMMATES logo not transparent 1 | R | #6970 | InstructorCourseDetailsPageUiTest failing on live server 1 | R | #6993 | Delete only emails in bundle for removeDataBundle in BackDoorLogic 1 | R | #7025 | Fix typo in creatAdminEmail in AdminEmailsDb 2 | R | #6717 | Bug: Display of Admin Email subject in logs is not sanitized 2 | R | #6695 | InstructorCourseView: ‘send invite’ should not reset the sort order 1 | R | #6694 | Remove unused methods in datepicker.js 1 | O | - | Interaction with new contributors —

Week 13

Effort Type PR Issue
4 O - STePS
1 R #6970 InstructorCourseDetailsPageUiTest failing on live server
1 R #6977 Add instructions for restoring IntelliJ run configurations
2 R #6980 Make IDE usage entirely optional  
2 R #6993 Delete only emails in bundle for removeDataBundle in BackDoorLogic
1 R #7025 Fix typo in creatAdminEmail in AdminEmailsDb