
CS3281&2: Thematic Systems Project I & II

Ong Heng Le

Email: onghl@u.nus.edu
Github Profile: initialshl


August 2015 - Present:
National University of Singapore
Bachelor of Computing (Honours) in Computer Science
Concurrent Degree Programme in Grad Scientiae Magistri (Computer Science) in Brown University
Deans’ List (AY2016/2017 Semester 1)

April 2010 - April 2013:
Temasek Polytechnic
Diploma in Game & Entertainment Technology (with Merit)
Director’s List (AY2011/2012 and AY2010/2011)

Project Experiences

January 2017 - Present:
Contributor for Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is a free open-source code editor
which had 500,000 monthly users when it launched in April 2016

January 2017 - Present:
Committer for PowerPointLabs
PowerPointLabs is a productivity add-in for PowerPoint on Windows
which has benefited more than 300,000 people

June 2012 - August 2012:
Singapore - MIT GAMBIT Summer Programme
The Last Symphony
Interned as a programmer at the MIT Game Lab in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Expert Areas

Gave a lightning talk titled TypeScript: JavaScript with optional Static Typing
Contributed features and bug fixes to Visual Studio Code (100% TypeScript)

Performance Profiling
Wrote a book chapter on Performance Profiling
Gave a lightning talk titled Finding the Hot Path

UI Design
Gave a lightning talk titled UI: Good Screen Design Principles

Computer Skills

Familiar with C# (PowerPointLabs), TypeScript (Visual Studio Code) and Java
Worked with C++ and PHP
Software: Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise, Git, Perforce, Adobe Photoshop CS6

Additional Information

Language proficiency: Bilingual, fluent in both English and Chinese (Mandarin)