
CS3281&2: Thematic Systems Project I & II

Lee Yi Min - Weekly Progress

Week 2

Effort Type PR Issue
1 D #6350 instructorHelp.jsp: Reorder entries in Table of Contents

Week 3

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #6389 Instructor Student List Page: Properly display sanitised text for Section Filter #5923
1 D #6447 InstructorStudentListPageUiTest failing at dev server #6446

Week 4

Week 5

Effort| Type | PR | Issue :—-:|:—-:|:———–|:—— 4 | D | #6392 | student feedback results view: rubric stats: show stats for ‘received’ responses #3744 1 | D | #6517 | InstructorCourseRemindActionTest: refactor duplicated code #6516 1 | R | #6494 | InstructorFeedbackEditPage uses -1 as question number of the new question #6473 —

Week 6

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #6523 Refactor StringHelper and Sanitizer class #6518
2 D #6454 Student name in emails are not HTML-sanitized #5698
2 D #6573 InstructorCourseRemindAction: extractUserName may not return username correctly #6513

Week 7

Week 8

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6675 FeedbackRubricQuestionDetails: Refactor calculateRubricStats #6558
2 R #6592 Add IntelliJ support for TEAMMATES #6475
1 R #6721 Remove unused parameter in FeedbackQuestionsLogic.java #6440

Week 9

Effort Type PR Issue
2 R #6524 Separate the UI part and logic part in ActivityLogEntry #6503
1 R #6803 Email sent after instructor editing student email: Include submission links for closed sessions #6730

Week 10

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #6626 Remove HTML sanitization in AdminEmailAttributes #6625
1 R #6755 Separate the UI and logic for EmailLogEntry #6753
1 R #6672 Refactor getQuestionResultStatistics* methods in FeedbackMsqQuestionDetails class #6659
1 R #6911 Footer text “Hosted on Google App Engine” cut off #6890

Week 11

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #6717 Bug: Display of Admin Email subject in logs is not sanitized #6698
1 R #6951 Numbering issue in troubleshooting-guide.md #6920
1 R #6918 Add one step setting configuration at IntelliJ #6919

Week 12

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6993 Delete only emails in bundle for removeDataBundle in BackDoorLogic #6982
1 R #7032 Fix typos in CourseRoster, TeamEvalResult and FieldValidator #6983
1 R #7021 Typos in StudentProfileAttributesTest, CoursesLogicTest and InstructorCoursesPageDataTest #6991

Week 13

Effort Type PR Issue
8 O #6922 Remove HTML sanitization in StudentProfileAttributes #6891
8 O - STePS