
CS3281&2: Thematic Systems Project I & II

Dickson Tan - Weekly Progress

Week 2

Effort Type PR Issue
1 D #137 Add different levels of comparison to equality methods of Person class
2 D #138 Names with unicode characters are treated as invalid
1 D #6362 “magic” string in “InstructorFeedbackRemindParticularStudentsAction”

Week 3

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #118 Add unit tests for AddCommand class
2 D #6419 Change HttpRequestHelper.getValueFromParamMap to getRequestParamValue in *Action classes

Week 4

Effort Type PR Issue
1 R #6436 Refactor FeedbackQuestionsLogic.java
1 R #6452 Refactor some duplicated methods in *action classes

Week 5

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6425 Deleted students trying to join: handle the NPE
2 D #6514 Tidy up email templates
2 R #6496 Update design.md to reflect on the current application architecture

Week 6

Week 7

Effort Type PR Issue
1 R #6645 Adding an instructor to a course: join email can mention who added the instructor
2 D #6577 Add InstructorSearchTest to test searching for instructors
2 D #6538 Create versions of getRequestParamValue and getRequestParamValues where null is not expected
1 R #6604 Remove getCourseDetails method from CourseLogic
1 R #6628 InstructorStudentListPageUiTest failing on live server
1 R #6573 InstructorCourseRemindAction: extractUserName may not return username correctly

Week 8

Effort Type PR Issue
1 R #6743 Fix typo in AdminHomeJsTest.js
1 R #6615 Increase testability and test coverage of JS code - preliminary part 2
1 O   Interacted with new developers
2 O   learn javascript/jquery/ajax for switching to javascript focus

Week 9

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #6790 Update all InstructorCourses*.js to ES6
1 R #6788 Update all InstructorFeedbackResults*.js to ES6
2 R #6801 Convert instructorFeedbackEdit.js and instructorFeedbacks.js to ES6
1 R #6763 Setup guide: mention the Java path should use ‘/’
1 O   Interacted with new developers

Week 10

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6852 Update the rest of Instructor*.js to ES6
1 R #6786 Update all admin*.js to ES6
1 R #6820 Convert test JS files to ES6
1 R #6871 Forbid ‘use strict’ directive in ES6 code
1 R #6895 Add instructions for building JS files
2 O #226 Dickson & Thenaesh: Compile Suggestions for Improvement for TEAMMATES
1 O   Interacted with new developers

Week 11

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #6968 Enforce no-use-before-define on instructor*.es6
4 D #6602 Exception thrown trying to retrieve CourseStudent: IllegalBlockSizeException
1 R #6905 Add checklist of things to do when submitting PR in the template
1 R #6960 SettingUp.md: recommend Source Tree instead of GitHub for Windows
1 O   Interacted with new developers

Week 12

Effort Type PR Issue
2 R #6832 Convert all the remaining JS to ES6
2 R #6967 Enforce no-use-before-define on everything not instructor*.es6
1 R #6740 Instructor view results: increase responses limit to 8000
1 R #6937 Instructor view results: increase responses limit to 8000
1 R #6480 Refactor some duplicated methods in *action classes
1 R #7003 Remove inline scripts
1 R #7035 Remove inline javascript onclicks

Week 13

Effort Type PR Issue
2 R #7077 Suppress repetitions of getInvalidityInfo in *Attributes
2 R #7057 Explicitly specify mode and padding scheme when using Ciphers
1 R #7051 AdminEmailComposeSendAction has no log message on success
1 R #7137 Typos in FeedbackSessionsLogic, EntitiesDb and FeedbackSession
1 R #7115 Typos in Instructor Help
1 O   Interacted with new developers