
CS3281&2: Thematic Systems Project I & II

Ch’ng Ming Shin - Weekly Progress

Week 2

Effort Type PR Issue
1 D #6303 Rename ‘Instructors’ in courseEditAddInstructorPanel.tag to ‘Instructor’

Week 3

Effort Type PR Issue
1 D #6374 Refactor FeedbackSessionsLogic.java
1 D #6412 Refactor FeebackResponsesLogic.java

Week 4

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6435 Refactor FeedbackQuestionsLogic.java

Week 5

Effort Type PR Issue
1 R #6454 Student name in emails are not HTML-sanitized
2 R #6514 Tidy up email templates
2 D #6451 Refactor FeedbackResponseCommentsLogic.java
1 R #6544 Minor error under “Bug reports and feature requests” in contact.jsp

Week 6

Effort Type PR Issue

Week 7

Effort Type PR Issue
1 R #6660 Remove unused parameter in FeedbackResponseCommentsLogic.java
4 D #6529 Admin create account: Cannot send Ajax Request!
1 R #6630 Current static analysis checks don’t flag invalid JSON

Week 8

Effort Type PR Issue
2 R #6578 Refactor FeedbackSessionsLogic#getFeedbackSessionResultsForUserWithParams

Week 9

Effort Type PR Issue
4 D #6642 Instructor result download: allow downloading data for a specific question
2 R #6609 Refactor StudentLogic::enrollStudents(String, String, boolean)

Week 10

Effort Type PR Issue
2 R #6602 Exception thrown trying to retrieve CourseStudent: IllegalBlockSizeException
1 R #6842 Get rid of unnecessary read in EntitiesDb.createEntity
1 R #6851 Error while putting document
1 R #6896 Minor error under no signup required for students writeup in features.jsp
2 D #6834 Optimize creation of multiple new feedback responses

Week 11

Effort Type PR Issue
1 R #6926 Remove ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER in Logic.java
4 R #6608 Instructor view results: do not auto-load 3 questions
2 D #6928 Batch add documents
1 R #7076 Move putDocument to Task Queue in InstructorStudentCommentEditAction
2 R #7001 Prevent expanding instructor feedback result pages during testing

Week 12

Effort Type PR Issue
2 D #6953 Move putDocument to Task Queue in InstructorStudentCommentAddAction

Week 13

Effort Type PR Issue
8 O STEPS Man TEAMMATES Booth and explain what TEAMMATES is to those interested
2 D #7031 Instructor: sessions page: do not auto-load response rates
2 R #6848 Use keys-only query for existence checks in *Db
1 R #7131 Fix some violations to boolean variable naming convention